About a year ago I had a heart attack. Not a bad one, but enough to act as a warning. As is common the attack was followed by depression, partly as a side effect of one of the drugs and partly as a result of realising that my life had to change. But change how?
My answer has been to start growing my own vegetables. My garden is hardly large, as I have a terraced house. The garden had flower beds filled with overgrown flowering shrubs. If I was to grow vegetables the shrubs would have to go, but I didn't have the money or the inclination to remove the flowerbeds, which curved around a central paved circle. I decided I would act within the existing garden layout.
Most importantly I wanted the garden to still raise the spirit by being beautiful as well as edible. So I have been on the lookout for vegetables and planting layouts which please the eye.
I was (and still am) a complete newbie to vegetable growing, but hey what the heck! I said to my husband I would give it a go, see how I felt after one growing season. Here I am one year on. And I am pleased to say my experiment has been a success. The garden did look lovely and most of the plants survived and thrived. I have lost four inches off my waistline and I am no longer depressed. The 5-a-day target is regularly surpassed. So the vegetables are staying and I am looking forward to the next year of growing.
I have started this blog primarily as a diary reminding me of what I have achieved, what worked, and what didn't. And if necessary I hope it will raise my spirit, which was partly why I have created the blog in the low season. Perhaps some people will even enjoy reading this!
My answer has been to start growing my own vegetables. My garden is hardly large, as I have a terraced house. The garden had flower beds filled with overgrown flowering shrubs. If I was to grow vegetables the shrubs would have to go, but I didn't have the money or the inclination to remove the flowerbeds, which curved around a central paved circle. I decided I would act within the existing garden layout.
Most importantly I wanted the garden to still raise the spirit by being beautiful as well as edible. So I have been on the lookout for vegetables and planting layouts which please the eye.
I was (and still am) a complete newbie to vegetable growing, but hey what the heck! I said to my husband I would give it a go, see how I felt after one growing season. Here I am one year on. And I am pleased to say my experiment has been a success. The garden did look lovely and most of the plants survived and thrived. I have lost four inches off my waistline and I am no longer depressed. The 5-a-day target is regularly surpassed. So the vegetables are staying and I am looking forward to the next year of growing.
I have started this blog primarily as a diary reminding me of what I have achieved, what worked, and what didn't. And if necessary I hope it will raise my spirit, which was partly why I have created the blog in the low season. Perhaps some people will even enjoy reading this!
Dig for Victory!